There is the option to pay with a credit or debit card after you click on the "Pay ($amount) via card" link. This is located on the same screen as the download link, which appears just after you fill in your registration form.
- Find your Bar Exam jurisdiction here.
- Look for a heading that says "Already Registered?" and click the "Skip to Download" button beneath it.
- Fill out the small form.
- Click the large, blue "Pay $(amount)" button.
- Follow the instructions to pay with the card of your choice.
Payment Confirmation:
You will receive an on-screen payment confirmation if your payment is successful, but you will not receive a payment confirmation email.
Of course, you can always check your credit/debit card statement for the completed transaction if you have concerns.
If you want to take a screenshot of this on-screen confirmation, you are encouraged to make payment on a computer. On the phone, the on-screen payment confirmation may not persist long enough for you to capture it.
See this page for a video of these instructions in action:
How to register, pay, download and install Exam4 for a Bar Exam